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The Chosen

During the months of February and March we will be having Sunday evening 'Film Nights' and be showing all eight episodes of Season One of the award-winning film about Jesus of Nazareth seen through the eyes of those who lived with him for three years. Find out more here.

Sunday Services

We meet each Sunday at 10:30 for an in-person service followed by an informal time of fellowship and refreshments.

Each week we also post an Online Service on this page.

Ever since the start of the pandemic we have provided an online service that can be used if you cannot be with us in person. These are neither 'Zoom' services nor 'live-streamed' ones. They are simply a set of hymns or songs, prayers and a message for personal devotions at any time to suit you. Typically these services last about 45 minutes. You could choose to use them on Sunday or come to Church on Sunday and use them as extra spiritual nourishment during the week.

Here are the most recent online services and 'Film Nights'.

Our current series from the book of Ezekiel.
The online service for the 23rd February: The Covenant God Keeps
The online service for the previous Sunday: The Idolatry God Detests
The online service for the Sunday before that: The Glory God Displays

Sunday evening 'Film Nights'. Catch up on an episode of 'The Chosen' that you might have missed.
(Window opens in a new tab.)
These films do not come with a BBFC classification, but we would suggest the numbers in square brackets alongside the link are appropriate.

23rd February: The rock on which it is built.   [12]
16th February: Jesus loves the little children.   [U]
9th February: Shabbat (Sabbath).   [12]
2nd February: I have called you by name.   [15]
   If you are expecting a new service sheet for this weekend and it is not showing in the list, please click the 'Check for Updates' button.

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